Privacy Policy

MosqueAssistant is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. This Privacy Policy is provided to explain our information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used, when using this website or software as a service.

MosqueAssistant may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. We will inform you of any material changes we make to this policy to ensure you are satisfied with our approach to managing your personal data.

Personal Information We Collect

Information you give to us.

Personal information that you may provide through the service or otherwise includes:

Information from third party sources.

We may combine personal information we receive from you with personal information we obtain from other sources, such as our Customers; data providers; affiliates companies; business partners, such as joint marketing partners and event co-sponsors; and publicly accessible sources, such as social media platforms.

Data collected automatically.

We, our service providers, and our business partners may automatically log the following information about you, your computer or mobile device, and your activity over time on the Site and other online services:

Some of our automatic collection is facilitated by:

How We Use Your Personal Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes or as otherwise described to you at the time of collection:

Service delivery.

We use your personal information to:

Site operation.

We use your personal information to:

Research and development.

We may use your personal information for research and development purposes, including to analyze and improve the service and our business and develop other products and services. As part of these activities, we may create aggregated, de-identified or other anonymous data from personal information we collect. We make personal information into anonymous data by removing information that makes the data personally identifiable to you. We may use this anonymous data and share it with third parties for our lawful business purposes, including to analyze and improve the service and promote our business.


We and our third party advertising partners may collect and use your personal information for marketing and advertising purposes:

Compliance and protection.

We may use your personal information to:

Other purposes with your consent.

In some cases, we will ask for your consent to collect, use or share your personal information for other purposes. For example, we may ask for your consent to send you marketing emails where required by law or to post your testimonial or endorsement.

How We Share your Personal Information

We do not share the personal information that you provide us with other organizations without your express consent, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We may share your personal information with the following parties and as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy or at the time of collection:

Your Rights

Access, Update, Correct or Delete Your Information.

Customers may review, update, correct or delete the personal information in their registration profile by logging into their account or emailing us

Access to Data Controlled by our Customers.

MosqueAssistant has no direct relationship with the individuals whose personal information is contained within the Customer Data processed by the service. An individual who seeks to access, correct or delete this information should direct their request the Customer.

Marketing communications.

You may opt out of marketing-related emails by logging in and changing your account settings or by following the opt-out prompt in the email. You may continue to receive service-related and other non-marketing emails.


If you gave us consent to post a testimonial to our site, but wish to update or delete it, please contact us at


You may opt-out of cookie-based tracking activities on our site as most browsers let you remove and/or stop accepting cookies from the websites you visit. To do this, follow the instructions in your browser’s settings. Many browsers accept cookies by default until you change your settings. If you do not accept cookies, however, you may not be able to use all functionality of the service and our Site may not work properly. For more information about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your browser and how to manage and delete them, visit


The security of your personal information important to us. We take a number of organizational, technical and physical measures designed to protect the personal information we collect, both during transmission and once we receive it. However, no security safeguards are 100% secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your information.


The service is not directed at, and MosqueAssistant does not knowingly acquire or receive personal information from, children under the age of 16. If we learn that any user of the service is under the age of 16, we will take appropriate steps to delete that individual’s personal information and restrict that individual from future access to the service.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy we will notify you by email (if you have an account linked to a valid email address) or another manner through the service that we believe is reasonably likely to reach you.

Any modifications to this Privacy Policy will be effective upon our posting of the new terms and/or upon implementation of the new changes in the service (or as otherwise indicated at the time of posting). In all cases, your continued use of the service after the posting of any updated Privacy Policy indicates your acceptance of the update.